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Study Guide

Work Safety

Work safety training (compulsory by law)

According to art. 2, art. 4 and art. 37 of the G.v.D. n. 81/2008, all students are obliged to attend a work safety training before entering didactic laboratories, workshops or computer laboratories or before beginning an internship.

The training is available on the e-learning platform OLE, which you can use at any time and from which you can download the confirmation of attendance after the successful completion of the test. The respective course is considered completed as soon as the confirmation of attendance has been downloaded.
The complete training (8 hrs.) is divided into two parts:

  • General training (4 hrs)
  • Specific training VDU (4 hrs.)
  • Additional specific training for didactic laboratories and workshops (4 hrs):
    Before entering didactic laboratories or workshops, you will receive an invitation from your faculty for a compulsory participation in a third safety course. The contents are tailored according to the risk area.

Students of the Master in Primary Education have different directions to follow, at this link you'll find all the information.

Recognition for previously attended courses

It is possible to apply for recognition and exemption of attending of the general training if you are in possession of:

  • a confirmation of attendance issued at unibz, or
  • another Italian institution by self-declaration - foreign certificates are not valid.

For the confirmation of attendance obtained at unibz: inform the applicant by email that you are already in possession of the required certificate.
For the confirmation of attendance issued by another Italian institution: The self-declaration, fully completed in all fields and signed by hand, with a copy of the ID card, must be sent to

Please send only one pdf-file with all pages and ID if!
The University does not recognise certificates of specific security training provided externally by other institutions and organisations.

How to enroll

How can I participate in e-learning work safety trainings?

General training in OLE (e-learning)

Specific training VDU in OLE (e-learning)

  • click on the following link:
  • Selfenrolment Key: pXEU$_4b
  • after passing the test, you may download your confirmation of attendance for each training and save it in your files. Keep the document safe; specific training is valid for 5 years (according to current regulations) and is required by employers. The general course has no expiry date.

General and specific training form the basis for possible further training depending on the job profile. After 5 years there is a 6-hour refresher training.

The above-mentioned OLE courses are conducted in e-learning mode; they can be taken independently in several sessions without a fixed schedule; only the final test must be taken in one session. The minimum learning time indicated in the syllabus must be met, otherwise access to the next chapter will be blocked.

Students without a confirmation of attendance attesting to their attendance of the above-mentioned training courses cannot, for safety reasons, access unibz teaching laboratories, workshops and computer laboratories, and cannot carry out an internship.

For more information please contact the Work Safetey Office via mail or via telephone +39 0471 011718.