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Study Guide

Competence Centre Tourism and Mobility News

Study "Living Environment Quality South Tyrol" published

South Tyroleans assess their living situation in South Tyrol positively, but criticism of the cost of living and scepticism about the sustainability of tourism are clearly shown.

The discussion about the right amount of tourism is increasingly an issue in many highly developed destinations. The buzzword "overtourism" is always found in the media and public discussion when the local population has the impression that tourism is negatively affecting their lives at their place of residence and the extended living environment. In South Tyrol, for example,traffic jams or overcrowded public transportation are often the trigger forcalls to limit or even reduce tourism.

More than 2,000 citizens participated in a study covering the entire territory of SouthTyrol. By this study the Competence Center Tourism and Mobility investigated the following question

  • How satisfied people are with their living situation and life development?
  • How they rate the quality of
    o living environment
    o Work and economy
    o Environment and nature
    o Mobility and traffic
    o Local supply
    o Public services
    o Leisure time facilities
    o Settlement development and housing
in general?
  • How they perceive the impact of tourism on these eight areas of life in terms of temporal intensity (never to always) and direction (very negative to very positive)?
  • How they assess the degree of sustainability of their place of residence and living environment?

The result report of the study with comprehensive tables, graphs and maps is now available. It has been shown that the population is predominantly either satisfied or very satisfied with their living situation and life development. Amore differentiated picture emerges for the areas of life, where the area of work and the economy stands out clearly positively, and the area of housing and settlement development stands out clearly negatively from the other topics. In addition, it appears that the population perceives the temporal intensity of tourism as well as its direction of impact very differently according to subject areas as well as spatially. In the area of sustainability at the residential location, the population still identifies a need for improvement.

Below is the link to the press conference held today 19.06.2023:



You can download the results report from the german or italian news version.

