Thesis Regulation (German/Italian)
Final exam: Thursday, 20/03/2025 and/or Friday, 21/03/2025 (depending on the number of graduands)
Hand-in deadlines:
Final exam: Thursday, 17/07/2025 and/or Friday, 18/07/2025 (depending on the number of graduands)
Hand-in deadlines:
Final exam: Thursday, 13/11/2025 and/or Friday, 14/11/2025 (depending on the number of graduands)
Hand-in deadlines:
At least one supervisor has to be a tenured professor or a researcher (tenured professor or a researcher (Researcher with a fixed-term contract or AR) of the Faculty.
The first supervisor can be:
The second supervisor can be:
Each supervisor is available to the graduand for 5 hours until the date of the final exam.
Each student has to check his/her own study plan.
In order to be able to submit the final topic, all 3 specialisation workshop courses provided by the curriculum must have been successfully completed (safety course does not count as a workshop course). A maximum of two exams (with a maximum of 12 CP) can be taken during the official working period.
At the latest 15 days before the graduation exam, all credits necessary to obtain the degree must have been registered.
Final mark:
The commission can award a maximum of 110 points. The basis for the assessment is:
For an outstanding thesis that achieves a grade of 110, a grade of 110 cum laude may be awarded. This requires the unanimous vote of the commission.