Companies and professional services firms from all over the world check the AlmaLaurea database, also in English, looking for graduates to hire. For this reason, it is important to be in there and regularly update your CV with your recent study and work experience. Here you can explore all the services offered by AlmaLaurea to serve as a useful connection between higher education and employment.
1. Please fill in the AlmaLaurea form to contribute improve your university with your comments, help those who will register after you and contribute to develop analyses that help monitor how your professional profile fits in the world of employment.
Procedure for accessing the questionnaire for 1st and 2nd level Master's degree students as well as PhD students.
Attention: please be aware to fill in the questionnaire before you proceed with the thesis upload. No thesis upload is possible as long as the questionnaire is still open.
The Almalaurea questionnaire opens for bachelor's degree students six months before the estimated graduation date entered in their profile at the time of registration, and three months before for master's degree students.
2. Finally, if you choose to publish your CV on the AlmaLaurea website, you can update it at any time just by logging in on the AlmaLaurea portal.