Guidelines for the thesis
The guidelines contain information on:
- what a thesis is, and why it is extremely important
- between which kinds of theses you can choose
- how long the thesis report should be, according to the kind of thesis
- how the thesis report should be written in order to be successful
Please read the guidelines carefully: theses not taking into account these indications may be considered not appropriate for submission.
Download the Guidelines for the Thesis
Layout and language
- Page format: A4
- Formatting: single spaced, 10 pt. (in the style of LaTeX standard article 10 pt.), easily readable font (e.g., Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman)
- Margin: normal
- English;
- the thesis defence is also held in English
Front page
Centre for Academic Writing
If you need advice on structuring an assignment, citations, writing a thesis proposal, or the thesis itself, you can use the services of the Centre for Academic Writing.
You can also book an appointment with an academic writing tutor and will receive individual assistance.