The Erasmus+ for Traineeship program gives you the opportunity to do an internship in a company or institution abroad (see the call for details on eligible countries and host institutions).
Mobility to one's country of residence is not allowed.
You must be regularly enrolled in a Bachelor, Master or one-cycle Master (students enrolled in courses offering a joint degree/double degree are eligible to apply if the university administrative headquarters is unibz).
Minimum duration: 2 months (60 days) max 6 months (180 days); you must finish your internship by 31 December 2025. The duration is calculated on a commercial year (360 days per year composed of 12 months each lasting 30 days).
Application deadline: 30/04/2025
First date possible for the internship start 02/06/2025
Application forms
The Career Service will provide help for selecting and contacting host institutions, submitting the application and recognizing the internship.
The complete application with the required documentation is to be submitted online.
An Erasmus+ Traineeship does not require any registration on the Career Hub platform.
Professors, contract lecturers, researchers, research assistants and doctoral candidates (from the 29th cycle and in accordance with art. 19 of the Regulations on Doctoral Studies, approved by Resolution of the University Committee no. 99 of 22.10.2003) of the respective Faculty, are entitled to assume the role of academic tutor in accordance with the tasks, activities and duration of the respective employment contracts.
The individual calls have provisional publication dates and will be published until funds are exhausted.
4th call
Publication 12/05/2025
Deadline 12/06/2025
Start Internship 07/07/2025