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Study Guide

German, Italian and English Courses


The Language Centre offers language courses at different levels to help you achieve the language levels required for your study programmes.
All courses follow the unibz language learning model designed after the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Have a look at our overview of Italian, German and English language courses offered.

The language curriculum is structured into a modular system which alternates between intensive courses (6 hours per day, 40 hours per week) during semester breaks, and extensive courses during the first and second semester (40 hours, 4 or 8 hours per week). The courses are to be taken sequentially (from A1.1 to C1.3):

A1.1 > A1.2 > A2.1 > A2.2 > B1.1a > B1.1b > B1.2a > B1.2b > B2.1a > B2.1b > B2.2a > B2.2b > C1.1 > C1.2 > C1.3

Modules B1.2b, B2.2b and C1.3 are the final modules in the learning paths leading to a B1, B2 and C1 level. The final lessons in these modules are dedicated to preparing for the internal language exams, which certify the B1, B2 and C1 levels, respectively.

In the 1st and 2nd semester, B1 and B2 writing skills courses are also offered to those students who have completed the B1 and B2 level courses (module B1.2b and module B2.2b respectively) but have not yet passed the corresponding language exam. These courses are aimed at developing writing skills through practising task types which can be encountered in the B1 and B2 level language exams (module II).

The 'B1 round up' intensive course offered in February, July and September is aimed at those students who have already completed the B1.2b course and would like to deepen and consolidate the content of the B1 level before taking the B1 language exam.

Course Calendar

Extensive courses - 1st semester: Course start 14/10/2024
Registration period: 30/09-03/10/2024
Delivery mode: face-to-face

Intensive courses - February 2025: 17-28/02/2025
Registration period: 20-28/01/2025
Delivery mode: face-to-face

Extensive courses - 2nd semester: Course start 24/03/2025
Registration period: 10-13/03/2025
Delivery mode: face-to-face

Intensive courses - July 2025: 14-25/07/2025
Registration period: 12-22/06/2025
Delivery mode: face-to-face

Intensive - September 2025 (only for freshers): 01-19/09/2025
(B2 courses only: 08-19/09/2025)
Registration: via the application portal (section "confirmation study place/enrolment") by enrolment deadline (no later than 19th August). New students of Master's programmes taught in English can register by e-mail at by 14th August.
Delivery mode: face-to-face

Intensive - September 2025 (2nd/3rd year students): 08-19/09/2025
Registration period: 05-17/08/2025
Delivery mode: face-to-face

Course offer - Extensive courses 2nd semester 2024-25

Go to the Language Centre Regulations

Language Centre Calendar

Course Attendance

If you enrol in a language course, this implies a commitment to regularly attend and actively participate.

Modular courses teach and test all four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Course assessment will consist of assignments completed during the course and an end-of-course test (EOCT).

You can only take the end-of-course test if you attend at least 75% of the lessons, i.e. the number of absence hours allowed is as follows:

  • 40-hour courses: max. 10 absence hours
  • 60-hour courses: max. 15 absence hours
  • 90-hour courses: max. 22 absence hours

Only if you pass the end-of-course test will you be able to access the next course at the next level. In order to pass a course, students must earn a minimum cumulative score of 60% (i.e. all assignments + EOCT).
The Language Centre and the teachers reserve the right to take exceptional cases into consideration.

Course Registration

You can register for our language courses under mySNS > Language Centre > Courses.

When you register via MySNS, you will only see the language courses that you can access based on the last course you completed or the language level you have certified, i.e. you can only sign up for a course which is appropriate to your level and is currently being offered.

If you have not yet certified any level in a particular language and have not yet completed any courses, you will not be able to enrol for a language course (you will not see any courses in MySNS or you will only see the beginners' course offered to Erasmus students in the 1st and 2nd semester). In this case, please contact us for a placement test. Depending on the result you will be placed in the language course that best suits your current language skills.

For any questions or to discuss specific requests don’t hesitate to contact us:

Weekly Schedule

Intensive courses

The intensive courses take place in September, February and July, as follows:

  • 60-hours courses: 6 hours per day, Monday to Friday,  from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 4 pm (Campus Bruneck-Brunico only: from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm)
  • 40-hours courses: 4 hours per day, Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 1 pm (Campus Bruneck-Brunico only: from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm).

Extensive courses

The extensive courses take place during the following time slots:

Campus Bozen-Bolzano and Bruneck-Brunico

  • Monday mornings from 8:30 to 12:30, or
  • Mondays and Wednesdays from 18:00 to 20:00, or
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00 to 20:00.

Attention: Each course is only offered in just one of the following possible time slots.

Campus Brixen-Bressanone

When: Friday afternoons from 14 to 18 and Saturday mornings from 9 to 13.

  • over the following weekends during the 1st semester:
    08-09/11/2024, 15-16/11/2024, 22-23/11/2024, 29-30/11/2024, 06-07/12/2024
  • over the following weekends during the 2nd semester:
    28-29/03/2025, 04-05/04/2025, 11-12/04/2025, 09-10/05/2025, 16-17/05/2025


The syllabi available online refer to the individual course modules. If you attend a course that comprises more than one module (intensive courses), you should refer to the syllabi of the modules the course consists of (e.g. course A2.2 - B1.1a comprises syllabi A2.2 and B1.1a).

Go to the Syllabi

FAQ - Language Courses

Do you have any questions or doubts about language courses? Have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions!

FAQ - Language Courses