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Study Guide

Freshers Days Programme

Brixen-Bressanone Campus

1 ottobre

The presentations will take place at the Brixen-Bressanone campus (Regensburger Allee  16-Viale Ratisbona, 16, 39042 Brixen-Bressanone).

1 October 2024

Welcome | A0.50 (Aula Magna)

09:30 - Welcome by the Rector, the Vice-Dean for Studies, the Vice Mayor of Brixen-Bressanone, the Assessor and the Student Representatives
Prof. Alex Weissensteiner, Prof. Reinhard Tschiesner, Ferdinando Stablum, Monika Leitner

Presentation of the study programmes

10:30 - Bachelor in Communication Sciences and Culture | A1.60
Prof. Alessandro Vietti

10:30 - Bachelor in Social Education | A1.11
Prof. Monica Adriana Parricchi

10:30 - Bachelor in Social Work | A1.31
Prof. Livia Taverna

10:30 - Master in Primary Education - German section | A0.50 (Aula Magna)
Prof. Reinhard Tschiesner

10:30 - Master in Primary Education - Italian section | A2.50
Prof. Federico Corni, Prof. Heidrun Demo

10:30 - Master in Primary Education - Ladin section | A2.35
Prof. Paul Videsott

Info Sessions for all Freshers

14:00 - Info Session for International degree-seeking Students | A0.50 (Aula Magna)
Student Support

14:45 - Quick Guide to Our Services (in German) | A0.50 (Aula Magna)
Student Support, Student Secretariat, Career Service, International Relations

14:45 - Quick Guide to Our Services (in Italian) | A1.50
Student Support, Student Secretariat, Career Service, International Relations

15:45 - Presentation of the student associations | A0.50 (Aula Magna)
Talia, k!kero, SCUB - Sports Club University Bolzano, Talìa UniLife, MUA - Movimento universitario altoatesino, sh.asus - South Tyrolean Student Association

2 October 2024

Info Sessions for all Freshers

09:00 - Introduction to Library and ICT Services (in German) | A0.50 (Aula Magna)

09:00 - Introduction to Library and ICT Services (in Italian) | A2.51

10:00 - Info Session about Study Grants | A0.50 (Aula Magna)
sh.asus - South Tyrolean Student Association

11:00 - Presentation of the Language Centre and the language paths at unibz | A0.50 (Aula Magna)