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Study Guide

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exam types

Exam types

Exams can be oral, written, or oral and written.

For some courses you might have to present a project or a portfolio.

8 and 12 CP courses can have a midterm (a partial exam taking place after the first part of the course).

All this information can be found in the Course Presentation Form, under “Assessment”.

Exams for students enroled in previous study courses

Exams for students enroled in previous study courses / study plans

  • Bachelor in Applied Computer Science, Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering, Bachelor in Computer Science:- enroled before Academic Year 2020/21
  • Bachelor in Electronics and Cyberphysical Engineering, Bachelor in Electronic and Information Engineering – enroled before 2024/25
  • Bachelor in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering - enroled before Academic Year 2021/22
  • Bachelor in Informatics and Management of Digital Business - enroled before Academic Year 2024/25
  • Bachelor in Wood Engineering - enroled before Academic Year 2023/24
  • Master in Computer Science, Master in Computational Data Science, Master in Computing for Data Science - enroled before Academic Year 2024/25
  • Master in Energy Engineering LM-30 – enroled before 2021-22
  • Master in Industrial Mechanical Engineering LM-33 – enroled before 2021-22
  • Master in Software Engineering for Information Systems - enroled before Academic Year 2023/24

If you are enroled in one of the study courses/study plans listed above, you still have the right to pass all the exams of your original study plan, but the exams might not be offered by default.

Therefore, if you plan to take an exam, you have to contact the Faculty Secretariat via e-mail ( giving all necessary information (student ID, enrolment year, study course, exam you plan to give) within one month from the beginning of the semester: this allows us to let you have all the necessary information and organise the exam for you. If you do not contact us in due time, you will not be able to take the exam.

Exams of Modular Lectures

Exams of Modular Lectures

What is a Modular Lecture?

A Modular Lecture is composed of 2 or more Modules and has common learning outcomes. Modules composing the Modular Lecture can be taught by the same lecturer or by different lecturer, and the Modular Lecture has one coordinator. The coordinator of the Modular Lecture is usually the lecturer who’s Module has the higher number of Credit Points. The coordinator is also the president of the Exam Commission.

How do I know what is required to pass the exam of a Modular Lecture?

You have to refer to the “Assessment” and “Evaluation Criteria” parts of the Course Presentation Form of the Modular Lecture. The Course Presentation Form is available on-line, on the course page.

The “Assessment” part contains the detailed list of all parts that contribute to the final grade of the Modular Lecture. For each part it specifies the type of assessment (written, oral, project…), the way in which it contributes to the final grade and the reference to the module in which that part is covered, e.g.

  • Written assessment - 60% – covered in M1
  • Oral assessment - 40% – covered in M1
  • Project - pass – covered in M2

The “Evaluation Criteria” part describes the evaluation criteria for each parts that contributes to the final grade, as foreseen in the “Assessment” part: sum of marks from partial assessments, weighting of parts (e.g., 20% oral and 80% written; 50% written and 50% lab…), threshold for individual assessments, criteria relevant for the evaluation (e.g., relevant for assessment 1: clarity of answers, mastery of language (also with respect to teaching language), ability to summarize, evaluate, and establish relationships between topics; relevant for assessment 2: ability to work in a team, creativity, skills in critical thinking, ability to summarize in own words).

How is the exam organised?

Modular Lectures have one single final exam.

This exam can be composed by several individual parts (e.g., oral assessment, written assessment, project report, seminar presentation, homework, etc) related to the different modules, as specified in the Course Presentation Form.

In the on-line exam calendar you will see the dates of all exam parts, but when you enrol to the exam you will only see the date of the 1st part of the exam: this is the official exam date.

In order to pass the exam, you have to participate to all exam parts and have a globally positive result, as described in the “Assessment” part of the Course Presentation Form.

If you have a globally negative result, but you have passed one of more parts of the exam, these parts are kept valid for the remaining exam sessions of the Academic Year. Therefore, during these exam sessions you have to pass only the remaining parts.

When and how many times can I sit an exam?

When and how many times can I sit an exam?

The Academic Year is divided in two semesters:

  • 1st (October-January)
  • 2nd (February-June)

There is an exam session at the end of each semester and an additional exam session in September. So each course has 3 exam sessions per academic year:

  • February, June and September for the 1st semester courses
  • June, September and February for the 2nd semester courses

Therefore you can try the exam 3 times per Academic Year.

Remember that positive grades are automatically registered and you cannot refuse a low grade: therefore, if you want to keep a good grade average, be sure to study well.

After the 3 exam sessions of the academic year have passed, you will have to study the content foreseen by the course of the new academic year (there might be changes in the syllabus, in the assessment or in the lecturer).

academic calendar

Exams enrolment and cancellation

Exams enrolment and cancellation

Exams enrolment

You have to enrol online to each exam you want to sit: exams sat without enrolment are not valid.

You will receive an e-mail when enrolments open (usually one month before each exam session).

If you want to enrol to exams of mandatory optional courses, you must first update your study plan to include these exams (see Enrolment to exams of optional courses).

The deadline for enrolment and cancellation of enrolment is three working days before the examination date (exam date and Sundays are not considered). Therefore:

  • exam on Monday -> enrolment deadline on Wednesday
  • exam on Tuesday -> enrolment deadline on Thursday
  • exam on Wednesday -> enrolment deadline on Friday
  • exam on Thursday -> enrolment deadline on Sunday
  • exam on Friday -> enrolment deadline on Monday


If you decide not to take an exam for which you are already enroled, you must cancel your enrolment online. The deadline for the cancellation of enrolment is the same as for enrolment (see above).

exam enrolment

exams enrolment of optional courses

Exams enrolment of optional courses

Choosing optional exams and adding them to your study plan

You choose your optional courses from the lists of mandatory optional courses available for the current academic year.

You can add or delete the optional courses from your study plan by yourself, before each exam session: you will receive an e-mail when the compilation of the study plan opens.

Only after you have added the course to your study plan you will be able to enrol to its exam (see Exams enrolment and cancellation).

Students with an Individual Study Plan

If you have an Individual Study Plan, you have to make sure that the optional exams you choose are compatible with your approved Individual Study Plan; else you have to ask the Degree Committee (Bachelor students) or your Tutor (former Study Plan Advisor) (Master students) to change your Individual Study Plan accordingly.

Evaluation of the courses before enrolment

Evaluation of the courses before enrolment

In order to enrol, you will be asked to complete the evaluation of the course. This is required by the Ministry and is part of the Quality Assurance Process of Italian universities.

The evaluation is your chance to tell us if the course is well structured or not and if professor is doing a good job or not.

This evaluation is completely anonymous and the data are aggregated, so do not be afraid to be honest: you will help us to improve!

Publication of exam grades

Publication of exam grades

After the exam, lecturers have two weeks to grade the exams and register the grades on-line.

After the registration, the grades are available for each student in mySNS.

Some lecturers also publish grades on their course pages, or send them by e-mail to students attending the course.

NB: The Faculty Administration does not send, publish or communicate grades.

Certification of attendance to exams (working students)

Certification of attendance to exams (working students)

If you are a working student and need to hand in a certification of attendance to an exam to your employer, you can download and print this form and ask the lecturer to sign it.

Inquiry for a copy of an exam paper

Viewing an exam paper

You may see your exam paper during the office hours organised by your professor after the exam and before the registration of the mark.

FAQ: Why am I not able to enrol for an exam?

FAQ: Why am I not able to enrol for an exam?

Main reasons at a glance:

  • the deadline for enrolment (3 working days before the exam) has expired
  • you have not absolved the prerequisites of the 1st year of the Bachelor (Analysis, Introduction to Programming, 3rd language level)
  • the exam is not in your study plan
  • you have not paid your tuition fees
  • Should none of the above-mentioned reasons apply, please contact the Faculty Secretariat immediately.