Students evaluate the courses and take on a fundamental role in improving their quality.
The course evaluation completed by students is fundamental for:
Yes, the evaluation of a course is a mandatory step toward the completion of a course/module/lesson. Every student must participate in the evaluation of the courses he/she has attended.
The student evaluation is carried out by completing an online questionnaire. There are two different options:
You may decide between the two options at the beginning of the questionnaire.
The questionnaire is available after 2/3 of the planned lessons have been completed.
The moment you register for an exam, you immediately complete the online questionnaire in the relevant my SNS section.
Yes, unibz guarantees that you may complete the questionnaire anonymously. None of your personably identifiable information is recorded, except your registration in order to prevent you from mistakenly completing the same questionnaire twice.
No, once you have completed the questionnaire for a course, you do not need to complete it again. You can simply enrol in the next exam session.
All the evaluation data are collected, grouped according to professor, course, Degree program and Faculty, and then statistically analyzed. The Degree course director can discuss the results with the professors and lecturers of his/her Degree program.
The results of the evaluation are visible for the professors/lecturers of the course, for the degree program directors, the Vice Deans for Studies, the Faculty Deans, the Quality Committee and various users within the University administration.
The data are collected at Degree course and Faculty level and published in the various mandatory QA management reports.
They form an integral part of the overall self-evaluation of the didactic activity of the University. The data are then uploaded in my SNS and visible for the aforementioned user groups.
Since March 2018, the evaluation results are visible to students. Through a Student Dashboard in my SNS they have access to the results of their Degree course. The professor must necessarily give his/her consent to the publication of his/her results. The data are published per semester in aggregated form and in %, free comments will not be published.
Yes, there is a questionnaire available for the professors/lecturers regarding their lecture, as well. Their questionnaire regards, for example, the suitability of the available infrastructure, the organization of the course, and the preliminary knowledge of the students.
The questionnaire, however, is not mandatory for the professors.