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Study Guide

Scholarships and Opportunities

Call for application unibz

  • Erasmus+ for Traineeship is a mobility programme that provides financial support to partially cover the expenses incurred abroad by students and recent graduates during their internship period
  • Call 4 Startup 2025
    Whether you're a student or researcher, if you have an innovative idea or a budding startup, unibz wants to hear from you. The 2025 Call 4 Startup is an opportunity to showcase your entrepreneurial ventures and receive valuable support and mentorship to turn your ideas into reality.

    The Call 4 Startup is part of the PNRR project iNEST covering topics from Smart Industries and Agri-food solutions, Health Tech, Sustainable living to Tourism and Technologies for Natural Ecosystems.

    We welcome Startup from early-stage concepts to 2-year-old established companies looking to scale up.

    The call is now open.


Call for application by other intitutions (both in Italy and abroad).

  • Call for proposals “Bachelor's and Master's theses on South Tyrolean economy”
    The IER - Institute for Economic Research of the Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano/Bozen supports students who conduct research on topics related to the South Tyrolean economy in their bachelor or master thesis. The thesis must not be completed at the time of registration. The three best research concepts are awarded with 1,500 euros each.
    Period: The call for proposals will be held in two editions per year: one in the winter semester and one in the summer semester. A maximum of three prizes may be awarded per edition.
    More information:
  • Bando “Imprenditori Gen-Next Nord Est” - Application is closed
    Corso di avvio all’entrepreneurship creato da UniCredit S.p.A e in collaborazione con le Università del Nord Est, a favore di 10 studenti e studentesse della Libera Università di Bolzano. Nell’ambito dell’iniziativa Talent Week 2025/Next Generation Festival che si svolgerà dal 6 al 12 aprile 2025 a Padova con l’obiettivo di rafforzare l’immagine del Nord Est come polo attrattivo per i talenti, si svolgerà “Imprenditori Gen-Next Nord Est” tre giorni di formazione di avvio all’entrepreneurship indirizzato trasversalmente a studenti universitari, immatricolati in uno degli Atenei del Nord Est.
    Periodo: ll corso si svolgerà in tre giornate, il 9, 10 e 11 aprile 2025, per una durata di 24 ore totali, presso Fiere di Padova. L’organizzatore dell’evento, assieme alla CCIAA di Padova, si farà carico delle spese relative al vitto e all’alloggio. Il viaggio è a carico degli studenti partecipanti.
    Scadenze: La candidatura va inviata a entro il 25 febbraio 2025, ore 12:30.