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Study Guide

Alias Career


If you are enrolled in a unibz study programme and you do not recognise yourself in your legal gender identity or are in transition (e.g., you are a transgender or gender non-conforming person), you can apply for the allocation of a transitional identity ("alias identity").

The alias identity is solely for internal use and cannot be used outside unibz.

The purpose of the alias career is to ensure the recognition of gender identity, to promote the well-being of the person concerned in the study environment and to strengthen their belonging to the university community.

How to apply for an alias career

You can submit a request by e-mail to the head of the Student Office (

He will arrange an interview with you (also via Teams) in which he will clarify with you the conditions for using the alias identity.

Both of you will sign a confidentiality agreement, which will contain the chosen name as well as the conditions and the obligations of the parties.

He will then take care of the activation of the alias identity, which will involve the issue of a new Student Card and a new e-mail address with the chosen name.

The alias identity assigned is provisional and transitional until any final court order.

Where you can use the alias identity

You will be able to use it to sit exams and/or graduation exams. To do this, you must notify the lecturer before taking their exam, indicating that you intend to sit the exam using your alias identity.

Exams will be registered in your study career with the legal identity. 

Where the legal identity applies

For all acts with external relevance, only the legal identity will be used and not the alias identity: e.g., self-declarations and certificates, diplomas, relations with other universities (e.g., partner universities) or other bodies (e.g., the local government's office that awards study grants).

The university does not produce any certificate concerning the alias career until a possible completion of the legal transition process or a change of identity.

Regulation alias career (German/Italian only)

Information and counselling services

Information and counselling services

At the following links, you can find information and contacts of information services and associations outside unibz that can help and support you. If you need to talk to someone, you can either contact them or talk to the unibz psychological counselling service.

Local LGBTQIA+ association

national portal dedicated to the well-being and health of transgender people
