In compliance with law D.P.R. no. 1124/65, you are covered by INAIL insurance (Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro) against accidents occurring while undertaking study activities classified as risk activities. The policy provided by INAIL is also valid for approved internships all over the world.
If you have been involved in an accident, please contact the Personnel Office promptly (see below).
The report must contain:
Requested documents: copy of INAIL certification issued by the doctor or by the Emergency Room.
Personnel Office Administrative Staff and Students and PhD students:
+39 0471 011350,
Personnel Office Academic Staff:
+39 0471 011300,
You are covered by a third party liability insurance policy with the UNIPOLSAI ASSICURAZIONI SPA (policy number 156714638). The policy covers any compensation that would need to be paid by the person insured if they are legally liable for any damage caused involuntarily during their institutional activities (including internships!). The policy covers damage to people as well as to objects and is valid all over the world.
The policy covers damage to people as well as to objects and is valid all over the world.
€ 15,000,000 for every single accident, with the limit of:
In case of damage/claims or a circumstance which could cause a damage claim, please send following documentation to and to your Faculty secretariat:
You are covered by the “Europäische Reiseversicherung AG” Company for the entire period spent doing a previously approved internship and for trips connected with their studies and which is valid all over the world. The insurance policy is valid all over the world for a trip that lasts no longer than 180 consecutive days.
Insurance cover depends on the security levels of the host country. There is no cover for countries with security levels 5 or 6 (updated information on security levels can be found online in English and German).
Service and amount covered:
* These services are only valid for abroad. “Abroad” means any country that is not the country in which the insured person has their regular residence.
Service and amount covered:
Other areas that are covered are unforeseen changes to travel arrangements (e.g. organisation and refund if you have to return early), luggage (e.g. if damaged or lost), etc.
In ANY case that could lead to a claim for compensation, immediately contact the emergency number of “Europäische Reiseversicherung AG” which is available 24 hours a day (+43-1-50 44400) and give the policy number U00-0008-5081.
Please send afterwards a written communication (email) to the Purchasing Office : +39 0471 011910,
Please provide them with the following information:
NB: make sure you have the emergency telephone number (+43-1-50 444 00) and the policy number (no. U00-0008-5081) with you at all times during internships and trips abroad.
SE PARTO PER... is an interactive guide that allows you to have information on whether you have the right to have health care during a stay, not only in Europe, but anywhere in the world.This is a new service created by the Ministry of Health for all clients (i.e. those who are registered with and pay into the Italian National Health Service - SSN) and for all health professionals. It is useful for everyone who has to travel for work or study in various countries around the world.
You can find all information about medical assistance in South Tyrol on this page. If you are a non-EU student looking for information on health insurance, please visit this page.