Civil protection: test in South Tyrol on 13 October
At 10:00, an emergency siren test will be carried out throughout South Tyrol. A howling siren sound will be heard for a duration of 1 minute. This is only a test and there is no threat.
In the event of a real civil protection alarm, i.e. if you hear a howling siren for the duration of one minute, you must immediately seek shelter inside a building. If you are indoors, you should close all doors and windows and turn off all ventilation systems, turn on the TV or radio and follow the instructions of the local authorities.
At 12:00 noon, a test emergency message will be sent to all mobile phones in South Tyrol. This will be a test message of IT-alert, the new public warning system for direct information to the population, which will send useful messages to the phones in a given geographical area in the event of imminent or ongoing serious emergencies or disasters. The test message will be accompanied by a special acoustic signal.
The objective of this test is to make the new tool known and to verify the correct reception of the message on each mobile device.