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Study Guide

Bachelor Final Exam

Summer session 24.2 (BA 24.2)

Summer session 24.2 (BA 24.2)

  • Final exam: 16 and 17/07/2024

Hand-in deadlines:

  • Choice of supervisors and submission of the thesis topic: 11/03/2024
  • Mid term presentation: 15/05/2024 depending on the number of graduands also 16, 17/05/2024
  • Almalaurea / Final exam enrolment / upload of final thesis mySNS / Antiplagiarism check: 01/07/2024
  • Submission of 3 copies of the written thesis to the secretariat: 08/07/2024
  • Submission of abstract and photos for the press: 11/07/2024
  • Photographic documentation + upload of the pictures to Showcase : 12/07/2023, 12:00 noon

Autumn session 24.3 (BA 24.3)

Autumn session 24.3 (BA 24.3)

Final exam: 12/11/2024 and depending on the number of graduands also 13 and 14/11/2024

Hand-in deadlines:

  • Choice of supervisors and submission of the thesis topic: 08/07/2024
  • Mid-term presentation: 17/09/2024 depending on the number of graduands also 18/09/2024 and 19/09/2024
  • Almalaurea / Final exam enrolment / upload of final thesis mySNS / Antiplagiarism check: 28/10/2024
  • Submission of 3 copies of the written thesis to the secretariat: 04/11/2024
  • Submission of abstract and photos for the press: 07/11/2024
  • Photographic documentation + upload of the pictures to Showcase: 11/11/2024, 12 noon

Winter session 25.1 (BA 25.1)

Winter session 25.1 (BA 25.1)

  • Final exam: 18/03/2025 -> depending on the number of graduands also 19 and 20/03/2025

Hand-in deadlines:

  • Choice of supervisors and submission of the thesis topic: 04/11/2024
  • Mid term presentation: 08/01/2025 depending on the number of graduands also 09 and 10/01/2025
  • Almalaurea / Final exam enrolment / upload of final thesis mySNS / Antiplagiarism check: 03/03/2025
  • Submission of 3 copies of the written thesis to the secretariat: 10/03/2025
  • Submission of abstract and photos for the press: 13/03/2025
  • Photographic documentation + upload of the pictures to Showcase : 17/03/2024, 12:00 noon



At least one supervisor has to be a tenured professor or a researcher (tenured professor or a researcher (Researcher with a fixed-term contract or AR)) of the Faculty.

The first supervisor can be:

The second supervisor can be:

  • a tenured professor or a researcher (Researcher with a fixed-term contract or AR) of the Faculty
  • a contract professor of the Faculty (Teaching staff)
  • a professor and/or researcher of a national or international University or Research Institution
  • an expert with proven professional experience (prior approval by the Study Course Director)

Each supervisor is available for 5 hours until the date of the final exam.


Each student has to check his/her own study plan.

At the latest 15 days before the graduation exam, all credits necessary to obtain the degree must have been obtained.

You need to have the required language knowledge and have already taken all 5 workshop courses in the study plan in order to deposit your graduation topic.

Final mark:

The commission can award a maximum of 110 points. The basis for the assessment is:

  • the arithmetic average, calculated in hundred tenths and weighted by CP, of the curricular exams taken. The average is then divided by 3 and multiplied by 11. 0,5 points are added to the arithmetic average for each examination that was graded "cum laude";
  • the points that the commission can award for the assessment of the thesis (max. 10 points).

For an outstanding thesis that achieves a grade of 110, a grade of 110 cum laude may be awarded. This requires the unanimous vote of the commission.

Contact person:
+39 0471 015 007


Thesis Regulation 2023/24 (German/Italian)

Thesis Guidelines - German

Thesis Guidelines - Italian

Guidelines for a correct use of the walls in the spaces of the Faculty - German

Guidelines for a correct use of the walls in the spaces of the Faculty - Italian