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Study Guide

Exam Recognition

If you need to get the exams of a previous study career or of international exchange semesters recognised, you must apply in Cockpit.

  1. During the online procedure, you'll need to insert the passed exams, upload the related exam certificates (or self-declarations) and pay the virtual stamp.
  2. The responsible academic body of the Faculty will evaluate your request and - in case of a previous study career -  decide to which study year you can enrol.
  3. You will be informed via e-mail or Cockpit notification about the outcome of your request.

Please check with your Faculty Secretariat if there is a maximum of credit points that can be recognised.

online exam recognition (cockpit)

Exams Recognition after enrolment

Once you are enrolled at unibz and you wish to shorten your university career, you must submit your online request for recognition of the exams you have already passed (at another university or in another unibz course) until until 25 October 2024 at the latest.

Your request will be evaluated by the Course Council at latest by 12 December 2024.