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Study Guide


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Transfer to other Italian University

  1. Please check the deadlines and other conditions for transfer set by the other university.
  2. Pay the transfer fee (100 euro + 16 euro duty stamp) and deliver the transfer application (DE/IT) with the payment receipt to the Student Office by 30 November of each year.
  3. The Student Office will send your documents ("discharge form") to the university where you will transfer.

NB: You cannot transfer in your first year of studies.

Transfer to another programme at unibz

  1. Apply by the deadline as a prospective student.
  2. If you are admitted in the ranklist, you have to enrol by the deadline.
  3. In the autumn exam session you have the possibility to sit exams in your programme of origin.
  4. Once the transfer has been processed, if you wish to shorten your study career, you must apply for exam recognition.

NB: In order to transfer to another study programme you must be in order with the payment of the fees. You are also required to comply with the current language requirements.

Regulation for transfers at unibz (Italian/German only)

Transfer to another major at unibz (only Bachelor in Design and Art)

Application form (deadline: 31/08/2024)

Decree of the Course Council No. 10/2022: Criteria for the transfer to another major within the Bachelor in Design and Art for the academic year 2022/23 onwards

Available places acad. year 2024/25 - art major: tbd
Available places acad. year 2024/25 - design major: tbd

For information, please contact Raffaella Fusina via e-mail (, phone (0471/015007) or Teams.

Transfer to another curriculum (Faculty of Economics and Management)

Application form (it/de) (deadline: 25/10/2024)

For further information on the following programmes, please contact: