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Study Guide

Internships at Social Work and Social Education

General Information

The compulsory internships in the 2nd and 3rd academic year have to last a minimum amount of hours and will give you ECTS credits.

  • Social Work = a total of 700 hours for all internships
  • Social Education = 200 h for each of the two internships

A 100 hours internship of orientation is mandatory at the first year for our students in Social Work.

Optional internships will not give you any ECTS credits.

Internship Calendar 2025

Internship calendar 2025

Deadline for submitting internship projects in the Career Hub: 13 December 2024 (31 March 2025 for orientation internships of the first year of study in Social Work).

Compulsory internships for students of the program in Social Work

1st year of study Social Work (total 100 hours)
Orientation internship to be carried out flexibly between 2 May and 31 May 2025. The indicated period is without lessons (except for language courses). Visits to local services and other resources will be offered to learn about the areas of intervention in Social Work.

2nd year of study (300 hours in total for Social Work)
Beginning of the flexible internship from 17 February 2025
in „part-time“ mode (lessons and internship MON – TUE) until 03 March 2025,
in „full-time“ mode (internship only) from 05 May 2025 onwards (after this date there are no lessons, with the exception of events accompanying the internship and language courses).

3rd year of study (300 hours in total for Social Work)
Beginning of the flexible internship from 17 February 2025
in „part-time“ mode (lessons and internship THU – FR) until 6 March 2025
in „full time“ mode (internship only) from 5 May 2025 onwards (after this date there are no lessons, with the exception of events accompanying the internship and language courses).

Compulsory internships for students of the degree course for Social Educator

2nd year of study (200 hours in total for Social Educator)
Beginning of the flexible internship from 7 April 2025 in "full-time" mode until 13 June 2025 (in the indicated period only language courses and remaining hours of two optional courses are planned).

3 year of study (200 hours in total for Social Educator)
Beginning of the flexible internship from 7 April 2025 in "full-time" mode until 13 June 2025 (period without lessons, except for language courses and remaining hours of an optional course).

Duration and Tutors


You can take a compulsory or optional internship for a maximum  of 12 months. The minimum length of an internship is two weeks.

Academic Tutor and Company Tutor

During your internship you will be supervised by a company tutor appointed by the hosting institution and by an academic tutor/supervisor who is nominated by the Internship Committee. For more information please see the internship regulation.



During your internship in Italy and abroad, our insurance covers you against work-related accidents and third-party liability. For internships carried out abroad, the insurance coverage is valid all over the world.

Steps and Forms

Step by Step to the Internship

(N.B. The internship project must be created by the company in the Career Hub at least two weeks before the start date of the internship). 

  1. Find a company or institution in which you want to do your internship. Find opportunities here.
  2. Discuss all internship details with your referee in the company/institution. In particular, clarify all duties, procedures, competences, instruments, the duration, the location and the working hours.
  3. Please register in the Career Hub (if you have not done so already).
  4. The company/institution will have to register in the Career Hub too, or login (if already registered) and proceed with creating the internship project. To do so, the company/institution needs: your tax number and matriculation number.
    Guidelines for the hosting company on activation of an internship
  5. Prerequisite for the activation of your internship is the attendance of the general work safety course (4 hours). Without proof of completion of the general work safety course, we cannot approve or activate your internship.

    If you have already taken and completed the general work safety course, we ask you to fill out this self-declaration, sign it and upload it to the Career Hub (in document management).

    If you attended the mentioned course via unibz, then we already have your data in the system and you do not need to upload a self-declaration.

    If you have not completed the general work safety course either externally or through unibz, then you must complete the same BEFORE the internship begins. Instructions can be found online.

  6. Smartworking: Internships take place on site / in the company. At the explicit request of the host company, a mixed-mode internship is possible. Internships that take place entirely in smart working will not be approved.

    For mixed-mode internships, a specific declaration must be completed and uploaded to the Career Hub before the internship is activated.

  7. After the approval of the internship project, you will receive further information via an automatic email from the Career Hub.
  8. Status of internships in the Career Hub:
    To be approved: The internship project is awaiting approval by the academic tutor/supervisor and the Career Service.
    Approved not active: The internship project was approved but still needs to be activated. Activation is obtained by providing a signed copy of the internship project and copies of I.D. of company tutor and intern uploaded to the Career Hub.
    Active: All necessary procedures have been completed correctly and all documents are present. The internship can start on the scheduled date.
  9. If, during the internship, an extension or early termination is required, this can be requested by the company directly in the Career Hub.

On completion of your internship the following steps must be performed:

  1. On the final date of the internship the company tutor and intern both receive an automatic invitation (link) to evaluate the internship.
  2. Your final report must be uploaded to the Career Hub by you through the specific function of: document administration > add document > final report. This step should be performed within a short period of time after completion of your internship.
  3. After completion of the internship evaluation by the company tutor and the intern, and after the internship report has been uploaded to the Career Hub (classified as “final report”), the academic tutor/supervisor or the supervisor will also receive an automatic invitation to evaluate the internship.
  4. The Career Service (the Internship Commission for the Bachelor in Social Work during the exam sessions) registers the credits (if applicable) once all the previous steps have been completed. The internship will also be listed in the diploma supplement.

Guidelines for evaluation of company tutor - Bachelor Social Work (German/Italian)

Guidelines for evaluation of company tutor - Bachelor Social Education (German/Italian)

Types of internships

Exam code (one of these codes must be inserted in the internship description of the Career Hub by the company)

Vademecum (German/Italian)

Guidelines for the final report – Social Work (German/Italian)

Guidelines for the final report – Social Education (German/Italian)

First page final report (German/Italian)

Information on the processing of data for the purpose of curricular and extra-curricular traineeship

Find an internship

To find an internship, you may use these following resources:

You may also check these following links to useful portals and websites where you might find internships in Italy or abroad. In spite of our thorough evaluation of these sites, we cannot guarantee their quality

Internships in Italy

In South Tyrol:

In other Italian regions:

Internships in Europe

Internships in Germany

Internships in Austria

Internships in Finland

Internships in France

Internships in the United Kingdom

Internships in non-EU countries

Internships within specific fields

Social Work